Bróidnéireacht Chustaim le haghaidh Bronntanais Bríocha

Siopa anois

Fáilte go!

Cuirfimid tús oifigiúil lenár ngnó in 2024.

Ag an tús ní raibh againn ach seomra amháin agus meaisín amháin. Is fiontar nua sinn.

Thosaigh ár POF, Yongsheng Gu, ag baint úsáide as éadaí clóite teirmeach nuair a bhí muid fós sa choláiste chun cabhrú linn dul trí amanna deacra. D'fhoghlaimíomar an próiseas iomlán ón tús agus d'éirigh linn obsessed le gach mion.

Tarraing ó pictiúir

Nuair a ordóidh tú linn, déanfaidh ár n-ealaíontóirí patrúin uathúla a phéinteáil bunaithe ar do chuid pictiúr.

Modhnuithe gan teorainn

Laistigh de 2-4 lá tar éis duit d'ordú a dhéanamh, gheobhaidh tú réamhamharc ar do dhearadh trí do ríomhphost. Is féidir leat athruithe a dhéanamh air seo líon neamhtheoranta uaireanta chun do shástachta, agus is féidir leat an próiseas seo a bhrostú trí thosaíochtaí a cheannach.

Tosaíonn saincheaptha a phróiseáil

Nuair a bheidh sé ceadaithe, tosóidh ár gceardaithe ag déanamh do bhaill éadaigh ag baint úsáide as cochaill agus sweatshirts, ag tabhairt uigeachta luxurious do na baill éadaigh agus ag baint úsáide as fuála cothrom le haghaidh mionsonraí casta.

Faigh é & caith é

Nuair a bheidh an bróidnéireacht críochnaithe, déanaimid pacáiste d'ordú le cúram speisialta agus cuirimid ar aghaidh go pras é. Nuair a fhaigheann tú é, is féidir leat é a chaitheamh chun a charm a mhothú agus aiseolas a thabhairt dúinn in am.

How It Works

1- Place an order: Once you place an order, our designers will take action immediately.

2- Art Preview (2-4 days): Once you place your order, our team will begin drawing your design. You will receive an email to approve or request unlimited modifications.

3- Unlimited Reviews: We value your satisfaction. Please feel free to request changes - we offer unlimited revisions

4.- Production: Once your design is approved, we will enter production mode, which will take some time

5- The final step of shipping: Once production is complete, your order will be carefully prepared for shipping. Please see our shipping policy for detailed delivery times.

Want to design faster? After adding the product to your cart, select the "Preferred" option. You can also choose different shipping options during checkout.

How can I track my order?

Once your order is shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number. You can use this tracking number on the carrier's website to monitor the delivery status of your package.

Can I cancel or modify my order?

For non-customized products, you can cancel your order for free before it is shipped. For customized products, you need to contact us via email at within 2 hours of placing the order to cancel or make changes.

How long does shipping take?

We offer three shipping options:

  • Standard Shipping: 7-10 days delivery, $7.99, free for orders over $79.
  • Fast Shipping: 5-7 days delivery, $19.99, free for orders over $199.
  • VIP Shipping: $29.99, allows us to prioritize your order and ship via fast shipping.

For customized products, please allow an additional 3-7 days for production.

About cancellation and return policy

For non-customized products, you can cancel your order for free before it is shipped. For customized products, you need to contact us via email at within 2 hours of placing the order to cancel or make changes.

We support refunds within 30 days. If it is a customized product and there are no product defects or other issues, refunds are not supported. Please refer to our Refund Policy for more details.

  • Seachadadh Domhanda

    Seolaimid bronntanais ar fud an domhain le loingseoireacht rianaithe go hiomlán. Loingseoireacht saor in aisce ar gach ordú os cionn $79!

    Beartas Loingseoireachta 
  • Athbhreithnithe Gan Teorainn

    Nuair a bheidh do bhronntanas saincheaptha réidh, is féidir leat réamhamharc a dhéanamh agus aon athruithe a theastaíonn uait a iarraidh sula ndéanaimid d'ordú.

  • Tacaíocht seirbhís do chustaiméirí tapa

    Tá ár bhfoireann tacaíochta do chustaiméirí ar fáil trí ríomhphost agus comhrá beo, rud a ligeann dúinn freagairt laistigh de suas le 24 uair an chloig. Beidh muid ag cabhrú go luath!

    Glaoigh orainn